Colourful Seatbelts: How do we find them?
We answer your burning questions about the main material behind the BELO's 'New Horizons' collection.
BELO's new collection is an ode to the myriad of colourways coming from the sun, the giver of all life. We believe a pop of colour in your outfit can be all it takes to brighten up your day. Our range of glossy colourful Mini Jus will surely help you have fun with your style while making a positive impact in the world.
If you are a curious person that always questions how things are made and their effects on the environment, you might have wondered how we come up with such fabulous bright colours. Well ... no need to wonder any further, this blog is to answer all your questions!
The Yellow, Blue, Orange Mini Ju, click here to shop
Let's start from the beginning ... The seat belts are sourced in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil - our artisans and co-founder Maria's hometown. We started with a partnership with two mechanics that supplied us with unwanted, decommissioned seat belts - mostly black. Now and again we would get metres of colourful seat belts.
At one of our partner mechanics shop
Our dream was to get enough of them so we could produce a small batch of bright bags. As we investigated further, we found out mechanics specialized in modifying cars and they had a whole bunch of colourful seat belts that would go to waste. So, to answer one of the most common questions we get asked, no, we don't dye our seat belts, all we do is clean them so they are good as new.
You might be wondering why so many seat belts go to waste. And there are two reasons for that. Firstly, in Brazil, you are not allowed to mend seat belts - once broken, you have to replace the whole strap. Secondly, there is a law that you have to change your seat belts every 10 years. So while they are not suited to protect you on the road, they are the perfect materials to make durable, tough and glossy handbags.
The Pink Mini Ju Bucket Bag, click here to shop
Can you imagine those beautiful colourful straps sitting in a landfill for centuries or even burnt? For us, real beauty should never go to waste and our New Horizons collection is here to prove it.